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SPANISH - AP (Heroes or Villans): Augusto César Sandino (Nicaragua)

This guide will introduce research methods for historical Spanish figures and their role in society.

Augusto César Sandino (Nicaragua)

Augusto C. Sandino (1894-1934)  

Leader of a Nicaraguan guerrilla movement 

Who was Augusto César Sandino?

Benedict Library Database Resources

Augusto C. Sandino

Encyclopedia of World Biography Online, Gale, 1998. Gale In Context: Biography.

Augusto César de Sandino

Dictionary of Hispanic Biography, Gale, 1996. Gale In Context: Biography.

Modern Women Intellectuals and the Sandino Rebellion: Carmen Sobalvarro and Aura Rostand

Finzer, Erin S. "Modern Women Intellectuals and the Sandino Rebellion: Carmen Sobalvarro and Aura Rostand." Latin American Research Review, vol. 56, no. 2, 2021, pp. 457-471. ProQuest; eLibrary.

Emergence of Nationalist Identity in Armed Insurrections: A Comparison of Iraq and Nicaragua

Tatar, Bradley. "Emergence of Nationalist Identity in Armed Insurrections: A Comparison of Iraq and Nicaragua." Anthropological Quarterly, vol. 78, no. 1, 2005, pp. 179-195. ProQuest; eLibrary.

Horse Thieves to Rebels to Dogs: Political Gang Violence and the State in the Western Segovias, Nicaragua, in the Time of Sandino, 1926-1934

Schroeder, Michael J. “Horse Thieves to Rebels to Dogs: Political Gang Violence and the State in the Western Segovias, Nicaragua, in the Time of Sandino, 1926-1934.” Journal of Latin American Studies, vol. 28, no. 2, 1996, pp. 383–434. JSTOR.

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Primary Sources

Proclamation from Augusto César Sandino regarding The Monroe Doctrine of 1823

"Well then, deeply convinced that the grotesque yankee imperialism, day by day is infiltrating the domestic and foreign policy of Central America, turning our cowardly leaders into mummies—the vibrating spirit of the Indohispanic race becomes at this time the Autonomist Army of Central America to save its racial dignity, flinging militarily, politically and economically away from its territory the Wall Street bankers, even if to do this we will have to leave our bodies dead, lying face up towards the sun.

The Autonomist Army of Central America declares abolished the farsical Monroe Doctrine and by the same declaration annuls the right that said doctrine pretends to have to enmesh itself cowardly in the political life, domestic and foreign, of the Indo-hispanic republics.

We do not protest against the magnitude of the intervention, but simply against intervention. The United States has gotten into the affairs of Nicaragua for many years. We cannot rely on their promise that someday they will leave from here."

Nicaragua National Archives